Boys Team
The Boys Gymnastics Team has a long history of excellence at McCracken’s. It is a testament to their skill, strength, and tenacity that they have as many State Champions in our 40 year history as the girls do. While more girls are drawn to the sport than boys, the boys here have more than held up their side of the sport.
Our boys train in a facility with modern equipment, dedicated and expert staff, and gymnasts who never give up. During the 2007 – 2008 season our Boys Team had 11 gymnasts who won Kansas State Championships and solid performances in the Region lll Championships.
Teams are a tight group. These boys train together, travel together, and play together. The gymnasts and their families all get to know one another and form a big McCracken’s family.
We are proud of our Boys Team. We are happy for the winners and for those who don’t win some of the meets because they are all doing something worthwhile, and they are learning life’s lessons.
Questions regarding competitive teams, please contact Amber at
At this time, we do not have a competitive Boys Gymnastics Team. We do offer recreational classes.
More information can be found here